Upcoming IAT 1 Butler Lake To Parnell Tower
Technical sheet
Last update:
Activity: Walking
Distance: 7.44 km
Calculated time: 2h 20
Difficulty: Not specified
Return to departure point: No
Vertical gain: + 65 m
Vertical drop: - 18 m
Highest point: 389 m
Lowest point: 316 m
Country: United States
Start: N 43.66352° / W 88.13613°
End: N 43.697719° / W 88.090168°
- S : km 0 - alt. 324 m - Start near Ice Age National Scenic Trail, Cascade, WI 53011, USA
- 2 : km 6.16 - alt. 349 m - Turn sharp right onto Ice Age Trail
- 3 : km 6.54 - alt. 381 m - Turn right onto Parnell Tower Trail
- 4 : km 7.3 - alt. 385 m - Turn sharp right onto Parnell Tower Trail
- E : km 7.44 - alt. 371 m
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