OTW Virtually Together - Stage_3(CHI)
Technical sheet
Last update:
Activity: Walking
Distance: 20.26 km
Calculated time: 9h 45
Difficulty: Not specified
Return to departure point: No
Vertical gain: + 1,393 m
Vertical drop: - 1,062 m
Highest point: 922 m
Lowest point: 120 m
Start: N 22.348912° / E 114.152758°
End: N 22.404921° / E 114.106354°
- S : km 0 - alt. 154 m - 起點
- 2 : km 4.2 - alt. 204 m - 飲水機
- 3 : km 4.21 - alt. 202 m - 洗手間
- 4 : km 11.13 - alt. 394 m - 洗手間
- E : km 20.26 - alt. 480 m - 終點
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