Start : The walk starts at the footpath at the end of Orchard Drive. Grid ref. TQ 853 643
(S) Follow the clearly signposted footpath through the orchards until you come to line of trees ahead of you. Turn left. At the point where the line of trees changes from the right hand side to the left hand side, turn right. Approx 50m further on, opposite a gap in the trees on the left, take the dirt track to the right. Follow the track round to the left. At the line of trees ahead of you, do a left/right dog-leg to continue on the dirt track.At the cross-roads, go straight on. At the next line of trees (a garden perimeter) do a right/left dog leg and pass through the gate onto the road.
(1) Turn left to walk down the road. Join the footpath on the right just past Cedar Cottage. Pass by the side of the metal gate and cross diagonally right across the open field to join the footpath between the orchard and the line of small trees. Walk along the footpath with the orchard on your left and the line of small trees on your right.
(2) After approx 100m, turn left where you see the white footpath sign (you may only see it once you've passed it). Take the footpath through the orchards by following the trees painted with a white line and the white footpath signs.
(3) At the road, follow the white footpath sign to the left. At the farm buildings (Thrognall Farm), turn right.
(4) At Wormdale Hill, cross the road carefully and pass through the kissing gate immediately opposite. Turn left. Follow the footpath round the outside of the field through the kissing gate and up Standard Hill.
(5) Just before the corner of the field, go through the kissing gate on the left, take the footpath down the hill, keeping the hedgerow on your right. Follow the footpath to the stile by the gate into a narrow walkway. Follow path along the rear of gardens. The footpath comes out onto Bull Lane where your walk ends.(E)