(S) Prom Moorsley Road layby, take the path to the left of the layby (south) across the fields. This will emerge onto Front Street. Turn left into High Street and walk to the end of the road, then continue straight ahead up a track, through a kissing gate and then a footpath which begins to climb the hill then bears left (northeast) around the treeline to a meeting of the paths. Keep left.
(1) After the stile you reach a track, turn right and continue to follow the footpath around the edge of the hill (east) until you reach another path to your left.
(2) Turn left (north) onto this path which will join a wider track which then turns west and then just before the High Moorsley Weather Station turns north until you emerge on Moorsley Road.
(3) Go through the kissing gate and turn right onto Moorsley Road/Valley View and follow the road down the hill.
(4) Turn right into Eskdale Street, then left. In front of you is a path to the cycle path, take this and then turn right onto the cycle path. Cross North Road and Hollowdene.
(5) At the end of the cycle path, turn left onto Station Road then cross the road and turn right after Hetton Social Club to Hetton Lyons Country Park car park. From the car park, take the path which runs alongside Hetton Burn which will turn sharply left and then right joining the main path through the park.
(6) Turn left onto the main park footpath (northeast) and keep left as you pass Lyons Lake, the path will then turn east to the car park (E).