Grappenhall stroll

An easy stroll around the pretty village of Grappenhall, including woodland walks.

Technical sheet

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  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 2.49 km
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    Calculated time: 0h 45 
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    Difficulty: Easy

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    Return to departure point: Yes
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    Vertical gain: + 17 m
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    Vertical drop: - 17 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 51 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 32 m

Description de la randonnée

Start : Parr Arms, Church Lane, Grappenhall (WA4 3EP)

(S/E) From the front door of the Parr Arms, turn left and walk down the cobbled village street past the church. Just before the canal bridge, turn right into Canal Side.

(1) After the first house, but before the second, turn right along a fenced path between gardens. After a footbridge, go through a kissing gate into Grappenhall Wood. Follow the obvious path ahead, following the electricity wires. At the end of the wood, bear right to the Wizard of the Woods statue.

(2) Go through the wooden kissing gate into the road and turn right. After 400 yards, having crossed a stream, turn left into a driveway with a public footpath sign. Pass a house on the left and continue along the green lane beyond to a gate.

(3) Beyond the gate, turn right and follow the path through the trees until you meet a surfaced path. Turn right and walk back to Grappenhall village, passing the cricket pitch on your left. When you meet the road, cross over into the tarmac path opposite. When you emerge on the main village street again, turn right to return to the Parr Arms.(S/E)


  1. S/E : km 0 - alt. 34 m - Parr Arms
  2. 1 : km 0.21 - alt. 32 m - Fenced path
  3. 2 : km 0.79 - alt. 39 m - Wooden kissing gate
  4. 3 : km 1.41 - alt. 49 m - Gate
  5. S/E : km 2.49 - alt. 34 m - Parr Arms

Practical information

Start : Parr Arms, Church Lane, Grappenhall (WA4 3EP)

Terrain : A few muddy spots possible, but mostly level and well surfaced.

Find more information at Walks From the Door here.

Reviews and comments

4.7 / 5
Based on 1 review

Reliability of the description
5 / 5
Clarity of route map
5 / 5
Route interest
4 / 5

Overall rating : 4.7 / 5

Date of walk : 17/06/23
Reliability of the description : ★★★★★ Very good
Clarity of route map : ★★★★★ Very good
Route interest : ★★★★☆ Good

A short but interesting walk with varied terrain with a good pub at the end for refreshment. An easy stroll - takes around 1hr but can easily be extended by walking along the Bridgewater canal at the beginning or end of the walk.

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.