(S/E) Cross the main road opposite the church. Take footpath south-east up the slope. At end of the road take the footpath and cross-school entrance drive to the path along the west of hedge. Follow the path south along the west side of the hedge to the tall wall. Take gate beside a wall then head east on a path across the middle of the field to a stile.
(1) Path heads south-east over duckboards then along the north of fence towards farmyard. Pass through gates and farmyard before taking path south along the east side of the hedge to track.
(2) Take stile onto Brown Hill Lane and head south over the reservoir to first footpath east. Take stile in the wall and follow footpath northeast along the south side of the wall. Cross road into Lower Clough House and follow footpath northeast on the east side of an estate wall. Take the bridge over the beck to follow path northeast along the west side of the stream. Take wooden bridge over the beck to follow footpath northeast over fields. Take stile to continue northeast on the path towards farm buildings.
(3) Take gate in the wall and walk around south of the nearest building. Take alleyway between houses then head north to Cockhill Lane. Take gate in the wall opposite Little Moss farm and head north on the footpath across a boggy field. Take stile and continue north across the field to stile in the wall to the west of farm building. Take steps and gate in-wall and head north to the next wall. Take stile in the wall to cross Noyna lane and continue north on the footpath on the opposite side of the road. Take gate into the farmyard and head south around farmhouse down to Moss Houses Road on the east side. Take Moss House Lane briefly north before taking track northeast off lane.
(4) Take the gate into grounds and follow the footpath around the west side of building to road. Cross the road and follow sunken lane opposite nest. Take stile above the gate and head north-west to Teddy Carr Drive. Cross Lane and follow the footpath north along the east side of the hedge. Cross bridge over a stream and follow the path west along the north side of the stream. Take the gate through the hedge and follow the path west to the road. Take gate onto the road and head north to Mere Clough farm.
(5) Use gate past farm buildings to follow the path west over fields to A56. Use steps in the wall and carefully cross Skipton Road before heading briefly North on a footpath through Great Hague farmyard to the west side of the farm. Take stile beside the metal gate and follow footpath north-west across the field.
(6) Take the bridge over the canal and follow path north-west to the road above the mill. Take road north-west from County Mill. Leave County Brook Lane to briefly take the footpath along the south bank of County Brook before rejoining lane. Follow the path across the field to bridge over the canal. Use stile to leave the lane and head south on the footpath across farmland. Take the staircase to cross onto the west side of the wall. Follow the path south on the west side of the wall.
(7) Use the gate to exit the field. Turn north-west along the footpath leading to County Brook Lane. Take gate onto the lane and head west along with it. Use steps in the wall to cross the wall and follow the path south on the east side of the boundary. Leave lane by the gate on the east side of 'chapel'. Head south along the path and then lane. Take the road east towards Daubers Farm.
(8) Just before farm take the gate to follow the path south-east along the south side of the boundary hedge. Take stile on the west of the building and follow the path west around buildings onto the track.
(9) At end of path head south along Station Road. Follow Causeway Road and Lowther Road south-east back to A56 before turning south along the main road back to start.(S/E)