(S/F) Start at ‘Halte Randonneurs’ and walk up the chalk path to the main road.
(1) Turn right onto the D151, heading towards the Dolmen.
Continue past the Distillerie & the restaurant, taking the left turn at the crossroads – signposted Dolmen.
(2) Walk up the short slope, taking a right to admire the Dolmen; and taking time to appreciate the view of the village. Return to the path & turn right to continue your hike. When you get to the crossing, turn left and walk down to the crossroads. Cross the D736 carefully and continue up the hill towards the village.
(3) Take the first right, following up and around the houses & vines. Right again.
(4) Go past the cemetery and 50m later there are nice views over the villages. At the highest point you can admire a 270 degree panoramic view. Turn right off the road onto the chalk path through the vineyards
(5) Take a left at the intersection (wooden waymarked sign) after a km and follow a track, through the vineyards towards La Vallade hamlet.(6)
Turn left (waymarked as before) and when you get to the road turn left and continue 50m before turning right for another 50m then turn right again reaching a track, which will eventually join up with a small road. Turn left and pay attention, as the next 200m through La Vallade is very narrow.
When leaving the village turn left (7) onto a grassy track, turn right when it joins up with the chalk path and after 100m have a break at the picnic spot (8) (shaded by walnut trees with a picnic table provided).
Continue along the track to a crossing, (9) turning left up the hill to a chalk path crossing. Turn right, passing cherry trees and look for the waymark sign to take a left through the vines for 100m, then right reaching the D731 Cognac-Archiac.
(10) Cross over carefully and head down the small road opposite. Look and listen for traffic! Walk down the small road to the waymark sign and take a right heading up to view the Moulin des Plantes.
(11), Back track to the small road until you reach the crossing and turn right. At the next intersection, head left continuing straight ahead over about 250m reaching the road.
(12) Turn right. Turn left at the T-junction. Cross the D371 once again and head into Saint-Fort-sur-le-Né. Head left down Rue de l'église and go to the left of the church. After the church, turn right. Head left at the crossing onto Rue du Champ de Foire. At the crossroads go on towards Route du Dolmen (south-east).