Chilham Castle Trail Run
Technical sheet
Last update:
Activity: Walking
Distance: 5.14 km
Calculated time: 1h 35
Difficulty: Not specified
Return to departure point: Yes
Vertical gain: + 51 m
Vertical drop: - 57 m
Highest point: 110 m
Lowest point: 45 m
Country: United Kingdom
District: Ashford
Start/End: N 51.241064° / E 0.95669°
- S/E : km 0 - alt. 66 m
- S/E : km 5.14 - alt. 65 m
Other walks in the area
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The Wye Hills
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A small part of the Saxon Shore Way. A great walk along Faversham Creek to Hollowshore. Great pub, then a shorter walk back through farmland. Enjoy the beautiful desolation of the marshes, just you, the birds, and the breeze. Stop for a rest or bite to eat at the wonderful Shipwrights Arms, then either re-trace your steps or take the shorter walk back through Ham Farm.
The Swale & Oare, near Faversham
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Folkestone to Dover along the North Downs Way
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For more walks, use our search engine .
The GPS track and description are the property of the author.