Park your car at St Just in Penwith car park.
(S/E) From the square next to" Kings Arms Inn", head to Market Street next to "The Commercial", follow this street going past Community Fire Station until crossroads with Bosorne terrace. Bear left into this street and go past St Just Football Ground on your right. Continue straight joining South Place and turn right at the fork with Carrallack Lane towards the dead-end in front of you.
(1) Turn right when you join Gerrish's Barn and immediately left going through the stone stile next to the small house with the green door. Enter the open meadow and go straight targeting the tall wooden post in front of you. Enter a second field and head to the footpath which goes past the private property. At Bosorne Road, bear left towards Corner House and turn right at next crossroads.
(2) Walk along Bosorne Road until the end ignoring a footpath on your left next to Rosvean entrance, then follow the narrow path leading to a fork (Mine Shaft sign). Bear left until you reach a footpath on your left (notice that you can see Ballowall Barrow in front of you far away). Take it and go down until you join the South West coast path. Turn right and keep the coastal path until you reach Carn Gloose Road.
(3) From Carn Gloose you can admire Sennen Cove and Land's Head (on clears days) on your left and Cape Cornwall on your right! Continue down the large path heading to Cape Cornwall. At the junction, turn left towards Priest Cove and go up the stairs on your right next to the cove. Turn left and ascend the footpath to the chimney (choose steep or gentle path indicated!).
(4) From the summit, enjoy the 360° view. Go down towards the car park going past remains of St Helen's Chapel you can see below. Use the ascending path next to the road, then go slightly left onto the track along the wall which reaches Wheal Call Holiday Cottage.
(5) Past the cottage, bear left at the fork heading down to Kenidjack Valley still keeping the coastal path at the next junction. Cross the footbridge close to the mine in ruins until you join a track.
(6) Turn left (coast path) for 100 metres and ascend the path on you right when you join Kenidjack Valley information signpost. When you reach the levelled track, turn left for a few metres and leave the coastal path continuing along the coast. Cap Cornwall viewpoint from this point is gorgeous! On the other side, you can catch sight of Bottalack Mine and photogenic Crowns engine houses along the cliff edge.
(7) This alternative path finally reaches again the coastal path at a stone stile. Go straight ahead, bear left following the coastal path when you join the track. At the junction next to Wheal Owles, leave the coastal path but go straight towards the "Public Byway Botallack" for 100 metres before you turn right to the grassy track inland leading to houses past the ruins.
(8) Next to the first house you reached, turn right to the descending path which joins an open field above the farm. Cross over the track which leads to this farm and go straight down keeping left side at the next fork before you join Old Foundry Road. Cross over this road and ascend the path which leads to a junction with another farm. Turn left walking between houses and farm buildings until you join the driveway next to Old Count House Boscean.
(9) Walk this asphalt driveway for 1 kilometre going past BoHo Cornwall House until you reach Boswedden Road in Just in Penwith. Turn left into the road, then cross over Chapel Road and go straight ahead to the Clock Tower and Market Place.(S/E)