Lainshaw Woods & the Annick Water, Stewarton

A scenic and varied circular walk which follows the Annick Water on its journey through Stewarton, including through the town’s popular Lainshaw Woods and Cunningham Watt Park.

Technical sheet

Last update:
Last review:
  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 8.54 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 2h 35 
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    Difficulty: Easy

  • ⚐
    Return to departure point: Yes
  • ↗
    Vertical gain: + 62 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 63 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 124 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 78 m



(S/E) Starting from Stewarton War Memorial, head South onto Kilwinning Road (towards Lainshaw Primary School).

Turn left (West) onto Kilwinning Road and walk along the pavement a short distance until you reach a kids play area on your left-hand side. Turn left (South West) here and walk down the lane (keep left at a fork) to reach David Dale Avenue. You will see the entrance to Lainshaw Woods directly opposite on the other side of the road.

(1) Go down the steps and cross David Dale Avenue, entering Lainshaw Woods.

(2) The footpath initially zig zags downhill towards the Annick Water before following the river through the woods for 1.6km to reach the bottom of the Fisherman's Steps. Stay close to the river, ignoring any paths to your right as you move along.

Turn left (West) at the top of the steps (wooden way marker points towards Kilwinning Road) and continue along the footpath through the woods. After approx 100m keep right at a fork. A further 800m along follow the path as it bends sharp right (ignore the exit onto Kilwinning Road). This woodland trail runs parallel to the road.

(3) After 700m you will reach the end of the woodland trail at a gate leading onto Kilwinning Rd.

(4) Turn right (East) along the road for 360m until reaching a red bin with a footpath on your left-hand side leading to a kids play park and residential area. Turn left here (North).

Follow tracks and paths along the edge of the housing estate, with a field on your left, all the way to the main road. Here the footpath bends to the right - stay on it and you will arrive at a road. Turn left to reach the main road (B778/Standalane).

Cross the road carefully and continue straight ahead (North) into the housing estate on Eglintoun Road.

(5) Follow Eglintoun Road along until you reach a mini roundabout. Just beyond the roundabout, turn left (North West) onto a cycle path.

(6) Follow the cycle path around the perimeter of the housing estate, eventually emerging onto Argyll Drive. Cross the road then turn left (North East) towards the A735/Dunlop Road.

Stay on the pavement to by-pass the roundabout, following the pavement round to the right (South East) on a residential street. A lane takes you out onto A735/Dunlop Road.

Walk down the pavement for approx 500m. You will pass Lamberton Rd on your right. Just beyond that look for a lane on your left next to a cottage (signposted Clark's Wynd/Piggery Row).

(7) Take care crossing over and go down Clark's Wynd/Piggery Row. You are now entering Cunningham Watt Park!

Keep going until you reach the Clerkland Burn For an easier route avoiding the steps t.... Cross the footbridge then go up a flight of steps, turning right (South East) about a third of the way up to go onto a footpath with the burn on your right-hand side.

There are some more steps then you will reach another footbridge. Cross over and turn left (East) with the burn on your left-hand side.

You will pass a bench and soon arrive at another footbridge. Cross over and follow the path right (East), the burn now on your right-hand side.

(9) Continue, keeping the burn on your right, until you reach the exit of Cunningham Watt Park, next to a stone memorial and some benches.

Cross over High Street/B769 and turn left (North East) to pass The Millhouse.

(10) Follow the pavement along with some metal fencing on your right. Take the first road on the right (100m along). The street name is Gilbert Sheddon Court and there is also a tall, black finger post which says 'River Walk'.

Cross the Annick Water by way of a stone bridge then immediately turn right (West) onto a lane. There's an underpass and a waterfall and then you'll emerge at a minor road. Cross over to continue on the riverside trail . Keep the river close to your right-hand side and you will soon arrive at Cutstraw Road.

Turn right (West) onto Cutstraw Road to reach B778/Kirfkord.

(11) Cross over B778/Kirfkord and continue straight ahead (West) onto a lane just to the left of the Kirkford street sign.

Follow this path West along the Annick, passing beneath the railway viaduct, to reach the A735 600m along.

Cross over A735 then turn right (North) to walk along the narrow pavement to the roundabout where you turn left (West) onto David Dale Avenue.

After 50m you will reach the steps and lane next to Lainshaw Primary on your right-hand side, and the Lainshaw Woods entrance on your left (1) . Turn right here (North) to go along the lane and past the play park.

Turn right (East) onto Kilwinning Road and you will soon arrive back at Stewarton War Memorial (S/E)


  1. S/E : km 0 - alt. 101 m - Stewarton War Memorial, Kilwinning Rd
  2. 1 : km 0.31 - alt. 90 m - Entrance to Lainshaw Woods
  3. 2 : km 1.93 - alt. 81 m - Fisherman's Steps
  4. 3 : km 3.59 - alt. 100 m - Gate onto Kilwinning Road
  5. 4 : km 3.94 - alt. 105 m - Red bin and entrance to residential area
  6. 5 : km 4.83 - alt. 121 m - Turn left onto cycle path
  7. 6 : km 5.36 - alt. 123 m - Argyll Drive
  8. 7 : km 5.85 - alt. 113 m - Lane (Clark's Wynd/Piggery Row)
  9. 8 : km 5.99 - alt. 112 m - Clerkland Burn & Cunningham Watt Park
  10. 9 : km 6.51 - alt. 96 m - Cunningham Watt Park exit
  11. 10 : km 6.61 - alt. 95 m - "River Walk" finger post
  12. 11 : km 7.51 - alt. 90 m - Lane at Kirkford street sign
  13. S/E : km 8.54 - alt. 101 m - Stewarton War Memorial, Kilwinning Rd

Practical information

For more information and a walk review visit Gillian's Walks


  • By car: parking at Rose Reilly Sports Centre (KA3 3DN) or Stewarton train station, just off Standalane/B778.
  • By train: Stewarton train station is located a couple of minutes walk from the start point of this route.
  • By bus: local bus services into Stewarton stop within a couple of minutes walk from the start point of this route.

A mixture of woodland paths and surfaced pavements. Several sets of steps and road crossings.

A variety of coffee shops and restaurants in Stewarton town centre.No public toilets along the route.

Always stay careful and alert while following a route. Visorando and the author of this walk cannot be held responsible in the event of an accident during this route.

In the nearby area

  • Stewarton war memorial
  • Lainshaw Woods - looked after by volunteers working with the Stewarton Woodland Action Trust
  • Annick Water
  • Cunningham Watt Park
  • Stewarton railway viaduct

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.