Start : Allt Ban car park, Glenmore. Grid Ref. NH980094
(S) From the car park, walk to Caimgorm Road. Turn right and walk with extra care along the road to the junction with Glenmore Lodge Road.
(1) At the road junction, turn right. You have the Reindeer Centre in front of you. Carry on following Glenmore Lodge Road up to its end at the Lodge. Go straight.
(2) When you encounter a wooden signpost with "Visitor Centre" (it is where we came from) and Green Lochan go straight ahead on this wide footpath.
(3) Cross a stream over a concrete bridge and find a junction with a wooden signpost. Keep straight towards Green Lochan. Cross another stream. Keep the wide path ignoring side tracks for quite a while until you you reach a path junction with two wooden posts with blue lines at their top. On your right are some steps made of stones to reach a lake (An Lochan Uaine) (A).
When you finished enjoying this peaceful lake, follow the same path back to the car. (E)